Pre-Project Planning

Once you sign up for Navigator, there are several key tasks that take place as follows :-

Introduction to Project Manager

Your Navigator Project Manager will contact you and introduce themselves. At this stage there are 3 key items that need to be actioned by yourself :-

1. Fill in a Direct Debit Mandate

The Direct Debit Mandate can be filled in online by clicking on Fill Direct Debit Mandate.

Once this is complete, the project planning will continue with

2. Filling in the Overview Form

Please fill in this form :-

Complete the Project Management Form

Your Navigator Project Manager will send you a link to the online Project Management Form. The form is an online Excel document and you can either fill in using a browser or download the form to edit in Excel - closing Excel and saving the form will automatically re-upload your changes (do not use Save As to change the location where it is saved).

Unfortunately, the form is quite lengthy, it allows us to capture the key information about the dealership, each department and the staff that you have, their roles and responsibilities.

An instructional video can be watched to help in filling the form in. Please click here to view.

It is very unlikely that you will be able to complete this form in total at this stage, but please do your best. We will review and fill in the blanks when we review as part of an on-site Project Planning Meeting which will be scheduled on completion of this task by yourself.

Book the Project Meeting

Once the two forms above are filled in, your Project Manager will discuss and book in a Project Meeting to move the Project forward through the next stages towards going live


At this stage there are several documents that you may be interested in reviewing :-

Document of Understanding

This document outlines the responsibilities that both DMS Navigator and you - the customer - have to ensure the successful implementation of Navigator. Click to read the Document of Understanding

Training Setup

The Navigator implementation has several on-site training days, and it's important that training is delivered in an appropriate setting. The Training Setup Document defines the requirements for a training environment on site. Click to read the Training Setup Document

Hardware and Software Specification

In order that Navigator performs satisfactory on site it is imperative that Pcs have the correct minimum specification and the right software installed. The Hardware and Software Specification outlines these requirements. Click to read the Hardware and Software Specification
Project Planning