Customer Success


Once you have installed your Navigator system, we hope and strive to ensure that you will stay with us for many years. This is where our Customer Success Team come into play.

Their role sits outside of the normal day to day helpdesk tasks to ensure that you are able to do the following :-

  • Make best use of Navigator system updates
  • Arrange training or new staff
  • Helping with integrations with third party systems or data supply
  • Data Cleansing
  • Business Re-engineering projects

All in all, your Customer Success Manager is there to make sure you are always making the very best use of Navigator that you can. They will be on contact at regular intervals to keep in touch.

If you need to contact your Customer Success Manager then please email or telephone them directly or use the contact button below

Statement of Work

From time to time, you may have the requirement to request us to do something under a "Statement of Work", if so it is likely you have been asked to visit this page by someone within the Navigator team. This is for work that is outside the scope of normal day to day support and includes helping third parties with integrating with Navigator, extracting or updating data on the system etc.

Some examples of items that require Statement of Work Requests are :-

-- User specific reporting

- Changes to configuration (new branch setup, accounting changes etc)

- Updates to forms etc.

- Supply of Additional products

We require you to fill in a written request, which we will use to a) obtain your authorisation for any items requested and b) allow you to define what it is you require our help with.

With regards to filling out the request, please be as detailed as you can with your requirements.

Once you have submitted your Statement of Work the following will occur :-

Immediately : the Statement of Work will be acknowledged and allocated a ticket no in our Helpdesk System

Within 7 working days: The statement of work will be reviewed and responded to, and a timescale for delivery advised as appropriate.

Depending on the requirement, there may be a consultancy charge made for processing the Statement of Work - you will be advised prior to works commencing for authorisation if this is the case.

To complete a Statement of Work, please click here

Submit a Statement of Works

Enhancement Suggestion

Navigator is driven forward by our customers' ideas and suggestions, and we welcome these valuable contributions.


To provide clarity on our enhancement process, please be aware that we use a scoring system to evaluate all enhancement suggestions.This system considers the development cost, the potential benefits, and the proportion of our customer base that may benefit from the enhancement.


Here are some key points about our enhancement process:


1.        EvaluationPeriod: All enhancement suggestions are reviewed within four weeks of receipt.Each suggestion is then either accepted or rejected based on the criteria mentioned above. Some suggestions may be rejected if the requested functionality is already available within the system.


2.        DevelopmentAllocation: Each month, a portion of our developers' time is dedicated to customer enhancements. These enhancements are prioritised and allocated based on their scores. Once an enhancement is complete, it is documented in our release notes. No further communication is made with the customer beyond the acceptance notification.


3.        Importance of Business Benefit: When submitting an enhancement request, it is crucial to detail the actual business benefit and impact on your company if the enhancement were implemented. We also consider the overall benefit to our entire customer base. While an enhancement might seem like a good idea, it may not provide a significant enough business benefit. Sometimes, another request may take precedence if it offers greater overall value.


4.        Feasibility and Prioritisation: While we strive to address as many enhancement requests as possible, we focus on those that offer the most significant benefit to our customers and the business as a whole.


5.        Archiving:Enhancement requests that do not reach the top of our development list are archived after 18 months.


Thank you for your continued support and contributions to Navigator.

To complete an enhancement request, please click here

Please bear in mind to ensure that the business value is made clear as part of the request to ensure that we fairly score all requests,.

Submit an Enhancement Suggestion
Contact your Customer Success Manager